I-chu Wiki
Kanata: First, I turn. After that, Rabirabi turns to the sky... We have the same pose, like this!
Kanata: More and more of Rabirabi's appeal follows... here!
*clap clap clap*
Producer: Amazing, amazing! I was entranced! Both of your appeals in this part coexist strongly...!
Kanata: Was it enjoyable?
Producer: It was enjoyable!
Kanata: Ehehe, I'm happy if you praise me. More and more... I think.
Kanata: But I can't just depend on you. I want to become your strength.
Producer: Eh...? Kanata-kun, what's wrong?
Don't Avert your Eyes 2 (1)
Kanata: I want to make you smile because I really like your smile.
Producer: ....!
Kanata: Producer-san, your eyes... don't avert them. Please look at me.
Producer: Ah, Kanata-kun... your hand.
Kanata: Because I danced, it's warm right? Also, your gaze shouldn't be on my hand holding, but on me... Okay?
Producer: ...Yeah.
Kanata: You know, Producer-san. Inside my heart, there's a lot of revolutions taking place, and a lot of revolutions that are still happening...
Kanata: All of it, it's something you brought.
Producer: I did?
Kanata: That's right. It's thanks to this revolution that I can shine and become stronger. In other words, it's thanks to Producer-san.
Kanata: Truly... Ehehe, I'm grateful.
Producer: (A beautiful smile... really.)
Producer: You're so cute, Kanata-kun.
Don't Avert your Eyes 2 (2)
Kanata: Ehh, cute? Ahaha... Thank you very much.
Kanata: But I want to make your smiling face blush more, so I want to quickly become


Producer: Eh?
Kanata: If so, I wonder if I can make your heart beat fast?
Kanata: Warmer and hotter than holding this hand... Even me, absolutely.
Kanata: For you, more...
Producer: (Kanata-kun, something about you is different from usual... Your hand is really warm...!)
Producer: (My face is reflected in the practice room mirror... I'm bright red.)
Kanata: Producer-san, look at me, not your face in the mirror.
Kanata: M-e. Ehehe!
Producer: (Uu, Kanata-kun, you grew up too much over the past year...!)