I-chu Wiki
(A special gift) Issei LE affection story 1
Issei: Ah… It’s finally over…
Producer: Good work, Todoroki-kun.
(A special gift) Issei LE affection story 3
Issei: Jesus, that cameraman took way too long. I don’t get what he didn’t like that could’ve made him plod on and on with the taping…
Producer: Oh, don’t say that… He’s a really famous cameraman, you know?
(A special gift) Issei LE affection story 2
Issei: What, famous at being really awful… or something?
Producer: Really, don’t say things like that! You’re going home now, so cheer up.
(A special gift) Issei LE affection story 4
Issei: I’m not feelin’ bad or anything! I just don’t like this kinda thing, is all!
Producer: (Yeah, and that’s what the rest of the world would call “feeling bad”, you know…)
…Speaking of which, it’s already the 24th, isn’t it?
(A special gift) Issei LE affection story 5
Issei: Yeah. We’re already 12 hours into it, in fact.
Producer: Ahaha, sorry for clogging up your time with work even as the new year’s getting closer. But at least in exchange you have today and tomorrow off for Christmas.
Issei: Although I wouldn’t need a vacation if you’d just stop bothering me so much, y'know?
Producer: But aren’t you doing that thing you always do every year? The Christmas party you three have, I mean.
(A special gift) Issei LE affection story 6
Issei: …Well, yeah. We’ve been doin’ it forever, after all.
Producer: That’s so nice. I wish I could do something sort of Christmas-y, too!
(A special gift) Issei LE affection story 7
Issei: If that’s the case, then why don’t you come along, too?
Producer: But I’ve got work again tomorrow. I can’t really come if I don’t know what time I’d be able to make it.
Issei: Don’t be so modest. Those two’ll probably be happy if you come, too, I’d imagine…
Producer: …And you’ll be happy if I come, too?
(A special gift) Issei LE affection story 8
Issei: Tch… Don’t get carried away, ya moron.
Producer: What’s that about? You’re so mean!
(A special gift) Issei LE affection story 9
Issei: Well, since you don’t do anything but work every single day, just having this much fun should be good enough, right?
(A special gift) Issei LE affection story 10
Issei: We’ll wait up for you no matter what time you end up coming, so you better come for sure. I’ll text you the place later.
Producer: …You sure this is okay? You’ll wait for me?
(A special gift) Issei LE affection story 11
Issei: Well, if you’re way too late, we may decide to go home if we feel like it in the moment.
Producer: If you do that I’ll feel horribly lonely!
Issei: Then I’d say it’d be a good idea if you come right after you get off work.
Producer: …Understood. I’ll try super-ultra hard, then! I’ll be there as fast as I can afterwards, so wait for me, okay?
(A special gift) Issei LE affection story 13
Issei: A full-grown adult shouldn’t be saying things like “super-ultra”…
Producer: But when I talk to you or the other two guys, it seems like I revert back to how I talked in high school… So just let it slide, won’t you?

