I-chu Wiki
2nd Monthly Lines
January Leon is the type to lose, so his face is full of ink... I'm talking about hagoita, you know?
When I go back home next time, maybe I'll bring a kotatsu to my family as a souvenir.
February Does Issei being surrounded by cats over there have anything to do with the fact that today is cat's day?
Rabbit-shaped chocolate... Are you giving me the Rabirabi treatment too?
March This is unusual, Lucas is taking an afternoon nap. I wish he'd at least relax his expression when he's sleeping...
I want to kidnap you, together with these cherry blossoms.
April When it's cold it feels like my homeplace so I'm used to it, but warm weather is nice too.
Noah is easy to confuse. He's a really pure guy.
May Maybe it's because of Children's Day, but Leon is being more excited than usual.
Kashiwa mochi is delicious.
June Is it true that Hydrangea flowers have poison in them? I heard it from Chaoyang.
I have an umbrella. Shall we go back together?
July A shooting game, huh...I think I'll win that plush toy for Chaoyang.
If I don't put on sunscreen properly my skin becomes red.
August Hah! ... Huh, you don't use your fists to smash the watermelon but a pole?
I don't feel like I'm getting used to this heat. I wonder if I should cut my hair...
September 3 more months until this year ends...The time flies by so fast when spent with you
I have to tell them that I don't live in the moon like the rabbits and that I won't go back in the moon either...
October It would certainly be fun if we had a live all wearing costumes!
Trick or Treat! I tried wearing a Frankenstein costume!
November I've been invited by Tsubaki to eat hot pot so I'm going.
It's the season of the autumn leaves. Shall we go to see them in a nearby park?
December Since I'm the tallest, putting the star on top of the tree is my job.
Chaoyang is a good boy, so Santa Claus will surely come.