I-chu Wiki
Producer: (I finished shopping, I guess I should go home.)
Producer: (Hm? ... There's someone flipping through a magazine while looking around hastily over there. Is that Leon-kun?)
Producer: Leon-kun, what are you doing?
How to enjoy a date of two 1 (1)
Leon: Wah. You startled me. What are you doing here, Producer?
Producer: I'm going shopping. But I ask you the same, what were you doing here, walking around while flipping through the magazine?
Leon: I was actually reading an article about white day. Take a look.
Producer: ... Introduction to white day date locations?
How to enjoy a date of two 1 (2)
Leon: That's right. I'm studying date locations.
Producer: Leon-kun... Don't tell me you're planning to hit on girls!? You're an I-Chu, how many times do I have to tell you to behave accordingly...
Leon: I- I won't! I will appear as part of a white day project on TV, you know?
Producer: So your plan is to show recommended date locations.
Leon: Yep! I was thinking about what kind of locations I'd like to present.
Producer: I see. So you were reading the magazine while walking around.
Leon: Although I'll warmly welcome dates with older girls...
Leon: I just don't get what date locations would be the best to show during the TV program...
Producer: It's unexpected to see you troubled, Leon-kun.
Leon: After all, dates are tailored to you, right? That's why it's so difficult to present something to everyone.
Leon: So that's what I've been troubled over all this time. I can't believe that someone like me is troubled over dating~!
Producer: (He's making such a worried face... Even on his day off he's thinking about his work.)
Producer: I can help you, if you'd like. Let's take a look at these date locations together.
Leon: !! That means...
How to enjoy a date of two 1 (3)
Leon: You're going to spend the entire day with me!? Woohoo!
Producer: Ahaha, you're exaggerating! Alright, let's take a look at the magazine while we walk around.
How to enjoy a date of two 1 (4)
Leon: The magazine is recommending shopping dates, but is what is written there really right?
Producer: Shopping certainly seems to be a standard for a date.
Leon: Hmm. Going shopping together and things like that is fun. But it really doesn't feel right.
Producer: It doesn't feel right?
Leon: It doesn't really feel like I'm going on a date with the person I like.
Producer: You did say that dates are tailored to you, after all.
Leon: Yes. More like... dates where you can make out are good.
Producer: Think about this seriously, Leon-kun!
Leon: Uuh... I get it, don't get so angry~