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Profile Story
(Profile Story) Junta Arayashiki
Junta: Oh, Miss. You're wondering what I'm up to? ....Can't you tell?

I was looking at the pictures I took today.
Since I had a bit of time to spare today, I walked around the school with my camera and found these guys doing stuff.
That way I could catch them off-guard.
--Here, take a look. Everyone's always making a good face.
It's nice. Youngsters striving with their all for one thing.
Just that will make a nice picture.
Ah, by the way, I have a picture of you working as well, Miss. You look pretty nice, don't you?
Uwah! It's fine, isn't it!? It's really not a big deal....
You just looked so pretty that I pressed the shutter unintentionally.

MG9 SR/UR Family birth?!
Manager LE/GR Focus on sweetie
MG9 LE/GR Sharp guidance!